If you’ve ever experienced back, neck, or shoulder pain, you know how much it can impact your life — now imagine that for your child. As the school year starts, many students are negatively impacted by heavy backpacks. Here are our tips to help prevent backpack pains.
Relieve Golfer's Elbow Pain with Chiropractic
Get Adjusted Before Your Summer Road Trip!
Be Free From Carpal Tunnel Symptoms and Pain
Camping? Prevent Lower Back Pain with Chiropractic!
Improve Your Sleep with Chiropractic Care
Sleep is our body’s way of resetting and completing maintenance. While we sleep, our body changes and moves without our knowledge. This means that since we are consistently moving in our sleep, we can end up twisting ourselves into muscle aches and odd positions. Here’s how chiropractic can help so you get the best sleep possible.
Hydrotherapy & Chiropractic: Natural Health Options for Fathers
Father’s Day is coming up, which often induces panic in children everywhere. No one wants to give their dad yet another tie that he may never wear. One great gift option is to help your father improve his health. Whether it’s a book of natural health tips or a booking for a hydrotherapy session, here are a few natural health options for fathers of all ages.
Have a Frozen Shoulder? We Can Help!
Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder, has pain symptoms in the shoulder joint and stiffness. In some cases, the condition worsens at night, making it difficult for the individual to fall asleep. You might be familiar with the condition if you have had an arm injury that hindered you from moving your arm. If you have an injury, it's best to talk to your doctor about the risk of developing the condition.
Safe & Effective Health Goals for This Summer
Are you trying to think of some health goals to make for over the summer? If so, then you should likely start by thinking about what fitness goals for 2021 you set at New Years. You likely created some long-term health goals for the year. Have you achieved any of them? If not, here are a few of the goals we highly recommend.
Spinal Alignment Gives an Immune System Boost
Your spine is the control tower of your whole body, that’s why it’s important to give it the attention it needs to help you be the best that you can be. With the pandemic impacting those around us, sometimes it helps to get some additional help with our immune systems—and a spinal realignment can help to provide that immune system boost.