Camping? Prevent Lower Back Pain with Chiropractic!


Camping is one of the most fun summer activities that you can do with your family. It’s also one of the most physical and difficult as we get older. From setting up tents to building fires, your body can become riddled with muscle aches by the second day. As you move around the campsite, keep in mind these tips and tricks to help relieve your lower back pain until you can get in to see us again. 

Sources of Pains and What You Can Do

With increased outside activity comes the increased risk of injury and muscle aches. We’ve found that there are a few simple ways that pains and aches occur that can help to be mitigated once you’ve gotten to the campground. Firstly, we find that many people hurt themselves lifting their equipment incorrectly, so make sure that when you lift, you lift with your legs and not the back. Secondly, there are many who get pains from outside activities that haven’t been done in a long time; things like hiking, swimming, and running all are great for the body, but it’s a bad idea to jump into them. 

Instead, continuously increase the amount of time you spend every day doing these activities and that will significantly cut down on pain and possible injuries. Finally, a lot of people get lower back pain after they sleep on the ground during the night. You can help to curb this pain by either investing in an air mattress to put inside your tent, or make sure that you bring some pillows and wedges with you. They can be aligned down your body to give the maximum amount of support possible for your spine since the issues come from your spine being out of alignment as you sleep. 

How Chiropractic Can Help Your Trip

At Bird Chiropractic, it’s our passion to keep your body at its best. Come to us for an adjustment before your camping trip to maximize your fun and reduce the risk of injury. We can align your spine before you go, and this helps to aid your body and provide relief before the pain starts. Then after you return from your trip, come see us again so we can return your spine and back to proper alignment. And while you’re there in the moment, remember to drink water (as this improves spinal health), do light exercise (as this helps improve blood flow), and always do lower back stretches and leg stretches during the day (this helps relieve pressure and pain throughout the day). 

For more pain relief and prevention tips or to schedule an adjustment, click here to contact us today