Chiropractic Care

Let's Talk About Text Neck

In today’s world, we are constantly using technology and it’s only increased as we spend more time social distancing. And so, a new phenomenon has emerged: text neck. Text neck, or tech neck, is a condition that affects the placement and alignment of the neck and comes with some serious health risks. Here’s what you need to know.

Get Ready for Summer with Chiropractic!

Summer is finally here! Warm breezes, beach vacations, and yes, some annoying bites from mosquitoes. While all this means a lot of fun is ahead (No school! Late nights!), it can also mean a lot of pain for people whose bodies aren’t prepared for the increase in activity. To help make your summer more enjoyable, here’s why you should give chiropractic a try.

Chiropractic for Workplace Injuries

What you do professionally can have a huge impact on your body, whether or not your job is physically demanding. There are many different types of injuries that you can sustain while on the job. Here are some of the injuries you can face at work, and how chiropractic care might be able to help.

Is Dehydration the Cause of your Back Pain?

You’ve heard it time and time again: drink water! Water makes up more than 50% of your body, and when you aren’t properly hydrated you can suffer form the effects of dehydration, including dizziness, headaches, and fainting. Additionally, dehydration could be the cause of your back pain!