chiropractic treatment

Your Body's Shock Absorbers

Your spinal discs, also known as the “shock absorbers” of your spine and body, work with the natural curves of your spine to reduce pressure and stress as you move. Just like your car has shock absorbers, so does your body, and if worked too hard, they can become damaged. If you are suffering from low back pain, it may be a result of a herniated disc or other disc issues, and chiropractic care can help!

Prevent Halloween Back Pain!

Are you ready for Halloween? It’s time for scary movies, pumpkin carving, and trick-or-treating. Though you might be mentally prepared, your back and feet may not be as ready. We have narrowed down our top 3 tips to prevent back pain as you take to the streets to collect all the treats you can carry!

Do We Shrink As We Age?

There are many great things that come with aging: we become wiser, seniors have a reportedly higher level of happiness, and retirement means more time for ourselves. However, there are some changes that happen to the body as we age. Vision, hearing, memory, and hair are some of the things we lose…and even height! Here’s what you need to know.

Balance Starts With Your Feet!

Chiropractors are widely understood as back and neck doctors. What many people don’t realize is that we provide much more than back and neck pain relief! It also comes as a surprise to many that your feet are incredibly important in relation to your spine. You sit, stand, walk, run, and move all throughout the day. There might be times when your shoes don’t fit right or are particularly hard on your feet (we’re talking to you in the high heels!). You then wonder why you’re suffering from back pain. It is about time to show your feet the appreciation they deserve. Here’s what you need to know.

Slip And Fall?

Chiropractic care is a natural, non-invasive treatment option that offers relief from your injuries. At Bird Chiropractic, we will create a plan tailored to your needs to treat your injuries and improve your overall health and wellness. Our experienced team is trained to treat slip and fall injuries, from sprains and strains to neck and back pain.