chiropractic care

Chiropractic for Accidents and Injuries

When most people think of a chiropractor, they think of an aching back, a loud crack, or a sore neck. As chiropractors, we are known for being able to treat pain in the spine and neck. But there are other areas where we can help, like in the case of a severe injury or accident. Whether you hurt yourself exercising, fell while changing a lightbulb, or got in an auto accident, we might be able to provide the relief you are looking for. Here’s how we can help.

Do We Shrink As We Age?

There are many great things that come with aging: we become wiser, seniors have a reportedly higher level of happiness, and retirement means more time for ourselves. However, there are some changes that happen to the body as we age. Vision, hearing, memory, and hair are some of the things we lose…and even height! Here’s what you need to know.