
Chronic Headaches and Chiropractic

We’ve all been there before: the throbbing, pounding pain of a headache. Most of us only have to deal with them every now and then, but some people suffer from chronic headaches. Chronic headaches can effect and individuals work, relationships, and overall well-being. Here’s how chiropractic can help.

Prevent Halloween Back Pain!

Are you ready for Halloween? It’s time for scary movies, pumpkin carving, and trick-or-treating. Though you might be mentally prepared, your back and feet may not be as ready. We have narrowed down our top 3 tips to prevent back pain as you take to the streets to collect all the treats you can carry!

Chiropractic Care after an Auto Accident

There’s no doubt about it, car accidents are stressful! Not only do you have to deal with the physical trauma your body experiences, but also repairs, auto insurance, and injuries. If you haven’t sustained life-threatening injuries, you might make the mistake of putting off medical care. But it should be your top priority, and we can help.

Slip And Fall?

Chiropractic care is a natural, non-invasive treatment option that offers relief from your injuries. At Bird Chiropractic, we will create a plan tailored to your needs to treat your injuries and improve your overall health and wellness. Our experienced team is trained to treat slip and fall injuries, from sprains and strains to neck and back pain.