Mobility, Flexibility, and Chiropractic Care


You may have noticed that as an adult, you’ve lost a lot of your natural flexibility. Although it can be annoying, it’s a natural part of aging. It seems the older we get, the greater the aches, pains, and stiffness. This lack of mobility and flexibility makes it difficult to move. Here are our tips to improve your flexibility and mobility for better health and wellness

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise benefits your health and wellness in many ways and helps keep your body healthy, strong, and more capable of dealing with daily stress. This doesn’t mean you have to crush it at your local CrossFit gym — exercise could be weightlifting, swimming, biking, dancing — whatever movement you enjoy! Our bodies were made to move, so staying sedentary won’t do anything to improve mobility and flexibility. With regular exercise, you’ll see a world of difference in your mobility.

Follow a Stretching Routine

Stretching keeps your muscles loose, tendons tension-free, and joints flexible. You probably guessed that this helps you stay flexible. A stretching routine is easy to incorporate into your daily routine or can be more involved. Start with a quick 5-minute stretch when you wake up in the morning. Add in an afternoon stretch while taking a break at work and close out the day with a quick bedtime stretch session. You will slowly start to see your flexibility increase over time and movement will become much easier.

Get Adjusted at Bird Chiropractic

Many people find the best way to keep their range of motion is with regular chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic care can be beneficial for the body in many ways. At Bird Chiropractic, our chiropractors will return the spine to proper alignment so that the entire body feels the healthy benefits. Patients have reported a reduction in pain, an increase in flexibility, and a boosted immune system in as little as one adjustment!

To get started with chiropractic care, click here to request an appointment at your local Voorhees chiropractor.